Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Why do many think Muslims are backwards and old fashioned?
Maybe bec there were times they couldn't develop enough, due to oppression and invaders in their countries?
Or maybe bec the Hollywood film industry depicts them as such!

In reality:
When Europe was still in the dark ages; the Muslim Empire was flourishing and going trough it's Golden Age. Christians, Muslims and Jews were living peacefully together. It's true that Non-Muslims were paying jizya in exchange for safety and protection; but what the heck...? Nowadays people are also paying taxes and stuff!!

Sir Mark Syce, writing on the qualities of Muslim rule during the period of Haroon Rasheed said: "The Christians, the idolaters, the Jews and the Muslims as workers running the Islamic State were at work with equal zeal.": 

The next video shows beautifully the immense contribution of Muslims to this world. Three school children visit a dusty library to research the story of 'The Dark Ages'. What they find changes their world view dramatically as ingenious inventors and pioneers of science and culture are vividly brought to life.   

The Lost Kingdom Al-Andalus: 

The Islamic Golden Age is a historical period lasting from c. 750 CE to c. 1257 CE, during which philosophers, scientists and engineers of the Islamic world are credited with a period of contribution to scientific knowledge, cultural arts, civilisation and architecture, both by developing earlier traditions and by a period of relatively rapid and marked innovation. A substantial degree of historic Islamic intellectual innovation occurred in the Islamic Golden age, and it was this which helped to bring Europe out of the dark ages and brought about the resonance (rebirth) of Europe, Islam brought the light back into a world of darkness:


Muslim inventors that changed the world:

What Was the Islamic Golden Age?

 By the 10th century, key Islamic cities such as Baghdad, Tripoli, Cairo, and Cordoba had huge libraries with between 600,000 and 3 million books, many of which were destroyed in subsequent centuries. The corpus of knowledge generated during this time exceeds the combined works of ancient Greece and Rome, and represents the first scientific works in history. Fundamental findings in optics, mechanics, physics, agriculture, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, and thousands of other fields were achieved during this time. 



During the Golden Age Muslim scholars also made important and original contributions to mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and chemistry. They collected and corrected previous astronomical data, built the world's first observatory, and developed the astrolabe, an instrument that was once called "a mathematical jewel." In medicine they experimented with diet, drugs, surgery, and anatomy, and in chemistry, an outgrowth of alchemy, isolated and studied a wide variety of minerals and compounds.
Important advances in agriculture were also made in the Golden Age. The 'Abbasids preserved and improved the ancient network of wells, underground canals, and waterwheels, introduced new breeds of livestock, hastened the spread of cotton, and, from the Chinese, learned the art of making paper, a key to the revival of learning in Europe in the Middle Ages: 

The Islamic Golden Age, also sometimes known as the Islamic Renaissance,[1] was traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century,[2] but has been extended to the 15th[3] and 16th[4] centuries by recent scholarship. During this period, engineers, scholars and traders in the Islamic world contributed to the arts, agriculture, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, and technology, both by preserving and building upon earlier traditions and by adding inventions and innovations of their own.[5] Howard R. Turner writes: "Muslim artists and scientists, princes and labourers together made a unique culture that has directly and indirectly influenced societies on every continent."[5]  

Just a few examples of contribution:

Abu al-Qasim (Abulcasis) helped lay the foudations for modern surgery,[117] with his Kitab al-Tasrif, in which he invented numerous surgical instruments, including the first instruments unique to women,[118] as well as the surgical uses of catgut and forceps, the ligature, surgical needle, scalpel, curette, retractor, surgical spoon, sound, surgical hook, surgical rod, and specula,[119] and bone saw.[63] Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) made important advances in eye surgery, as he correctly explained the process of sight and visual perception for the first time in his Book of Optics.[118]

The Persian scientist Avicenna introduced experimental medicine, discovered contagious diseases, introduced quarantine and clinical trials, and described many anaesthetics and medical and therapeutic drugs, in The Canon of Medicine.

The Persian scientist Avicenna introduced experimental medicine, discovered contagious diseases, introduced quarantine and clinical trials, and described many anaesthetics and medical and therapeutic drugs, in The Canon of Medicine.

Avicenna helped lay the foundations for modern medicine,[120] with The Canon of Medicine, which was responsible for introducing systematic experimentation and quantification in physiology,[121] the discovery of contagious disease, introduction of quarantine to limit their spread, introduction of experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, clinical trials,[122] randomized controlled trials,[123][124] efficacy tests,[125][126] and clinical pharmacology,[127] the first descriptions on bacteria and viral organisms,[128] distinction of mediastinitis from pleurisy, contagious nature of tuberculosis, distribution of diseases by water and soil, skin troubles, sexually transmitted diseases, perversions, nervous ailments,[113] use of ice to treat fevers, and separation of medicine from pharmacology.[118]: 


 Unlike the Byzantines, with their suspicion of classical science and philosophy, the Muslims were actively enjoined by the Traditions – the dicta of the Prophet – to “seek learning, though it be in China.” Another well-known Tradition states: “The search for knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim”; another that “The ink of scholars is worth more than the blood of martyrs.”

Thursday, September 17, 2015


First: They say that Truth is stranger than fiction. And it seems so indeed..


It is believed that the Illuminati New World Order have technology that is 40-80 years ahead of the technology that we see. Can imagine what they could do with holograms!  Like bringing a fake alien invasion or a fake prophet!!  


Why a fake alien invasion? Bec they will suggest it as a common threat/enemy to the whole world; as a great reason for all nations to collect under one leader for their own safety = New World Order!! 






 Once the people are united under one government they will be totally controlled. Something like in the style of the book 1984 by George Orwell.  To be able to have every-body his info and to be able to track anyone, people will be micro-chipped.  (see links down).  


As a Muslima I advice all Muslims to study Eschatology (study of the endtimes) in order to be able to survive the Fitnah and to be able to recognize truth from falsehood. Sheikh Imran Hosein is one of the sheikhs specialized in this.  

 How The Elites Can Fake An Alien Invasion:

The infamous NASA Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I’ll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them    











Bush announces the New World Order and pretends it is something good for this world:  


Next Comes The Holograms Part 1 — Illuminati Technology Far Advanced for New World Order?:    



The Upcoming Deception "Holograms" 2/2:   

Seems that they are already experimenting: 



Mirage in China:   

Africa: floating village mirage:      


Project Blue Beam:

Nasa project blue beam holographic projections could  be used to attempt a fake second coming of Jesus Christ:  

(We Muslims believe in his 2nd coming also!):    

Project Blue Beam in Action:

 People think the alien hoax and spaceships and fake gods from different religions wont appear before them in the sky , well watch this technology and then you see:  

2014 Update:NWO's Project Blue Beam and the real reasons for Chemtrails! 

(3D technology is not just for entertainment!): 


Links about Micro-chips: 

In English with Dutch translation:
911 predicted and infra red chipping of people: If you don't obey the system; they will turn your chip off..

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



I see many people speculating about the Ka'aba on internet nowadays. They wonder what it is for, and they think inside it is full of idols. Well guess what.... The Ka'aba was originally build as a holy place of worship to Allah/God and it is a direction of prayers to symbolize unity. Later on, pagans started to put idols there; hence the misunderstanding that Muslims are praying to idols. I don't think there is anything special inside, so let's get done with the mysteries and have a look!!.:   

Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is important to note that though Muslims face the Kaaba during prayers, they do not worship the Kaaba. Muslims worship and bow to none but Allah.


In order to make pilgrimage in Mecca; one has to be in a state of Islamic physical and spiritual purity. This belongs to the conditions of the pilgrimage; and as such non Muslims are not allowed in those places. It's impossible to control that non-Muslims would be in such a state and if they would take any ritual ablutions seriously or not smuggle in alcohol etc! So Allah made it forbidden via the Qur'an:

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Yesterday was 911 memory day.  

This day is used by Illuminati to make blood sacrifices to Satan; as 911 itself was a big blood sacrifice..   

And exactly on the same day the Mecca accident; did you see the strike that hit the crane?  

Was this a man-made blood sacrifice too? 


 Be aware that there are now many ways like weather-warfare etc to attack targets all over the world!!  

Rod of God secret space weapon analysis: Precision-guided munition calculations show it's possible to strike almost any target on Earth from orbit with 3-4 tons of TNT explosive equivalent: 



Have you ever heard of “Rods from God” well its a bomb without being a bomb that packs the same punch as a nuke, without the radioactive fallout. Basically its a large metallic rod that falls to earth (or the moon in this case) from space and using kinetic energy becomes almost like a “smart” asteroid that could wipe out an entire city. Think about it… they expect this 2 ton metal hunk to cause a 5 mile wide crater on the moon, and the moon has only a fraction of the gravitational pull of the earth.


This weapons test could not be conducted on earth without raising red flags… so under the guise of NASA they concocted this story of trying to find water on the moon, despite the fact that India has already done so without needing to blow it up.
With this weapon the USA can destroy any city on earth without leaving any traces of evidence of who is responsible for the attack and without causing nuclear fallout to affect the surrounding area/nations: 


For the Arabic readers the article claims:

بقلم / عمرو عبدالرحمن
أعلن الدكتور أمجد مصطفي اسماعيل – الخبير الجيوفيزيقي – أن القصف بسلاح الهارب (haarp ) هو السبب في إطلاق الصاعقة التي أصابت الحجيج في بيت الله الحرام.

وأوضح ان القصف بسلاح هارب قد تكرر استخدامه من جانب محطات الإطلاق التي يسيطر عليها اليهود والماسون الأميركيين والموجودة في فنلندا وصربيا ومناطق أخري .

وأكد أن القصف بالسلاح ذاته قد تسبب في هبوط أرضي متكرر في عدة محافظات مصرية كما كان سببا في إشتعال النيران في مياه بحيرة المحمودية أمس في سياق حروب الجيل الخامس التي يشنها الكيان الصهيوماسوني ضد بلاد العرب .

كان أهالي عزبة صيرة، التابعة لمركز كفر الدوار بالبحيرة، قد فوجئوا أمس الجمعة، بألسنة لهب تتصاعد من داخل مياه ترعة المحمودية، دون سبب أو تفسير علمي لذلك .

ووفقاً لشهود عيان تتمثل الظاهرة في تصاعد فقاقيع من الماء وعند وصولها إلى السطح تتحول لألسنة لهب سرعان ما تختفي وتعود مجددا فى مساحة قطرها 3 أمتار تقريبا.

وفي السياق ذاته ، اعلن الدفاع المدني السعودي الجمعة ارتفاع حصيلة ضحايا سقوط رافعة في الحرم المكي إلى 87 قتيلا واصابة 184 شخصا بجروح اثر سقوط رافعة في المسجد الحرام في مكة المكرمة، بسبب تعرضها للإصابة بصاعقة ، وفقا لوسائل إعلام سعودية.

وكانت قد شهدت مدينة مكة هطول أمطار غزيرة مصحوبة برياح شديدة وعواصف رعدية شملت الضواحي والمحافظات التابعة لها.


                                         PIC ABOVE: THE STRIKE AT THE CRANE IN MECCA

                                         See next vid: HORRIFYING STORM IN MECCA: 

                                       During the strong storms in Mecca, people are literally blown away:

                                PIC ABOVE:  Research!!

                     GOOGLE: WEATHER WAR-FARE AND HAARP!

                     GOOGLE: 911 WAS A SATANIC RITUAL.. 


Check this out: vid only one minute: HAARP weapons: 


MARCH 2016: