Monday, December 15, 2014


Anyone who thinks that Islam is a violent religion and wants to discuss this subject should see the next vid or forever hold his peace! I dare you to see it!!
why Muslims are no terrorists;

Jihad against terrorism:

A German Muslim scholar was asked about terrorism and Islam :

He said : Who started the first world war ? Muslims ?
Who started the second world war ? Muslims ?
Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia ? Muslims ??
Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America ? Muslims ??
Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in south America ? Muslims ??
Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in the Atlantic ocean? Muslims ??
No ,They weren't Muslims!!!
First of all, You have to define terrorism properly..
If a non-Muslim does something bad..
it is crime.
But if a Muslim commits the same..
he is a terrorist..
So first remove this double standard, then come to the point!!
(About verse 9:29)

There is no compulsion in religion and killing because of it;  in the original Islam:

Salma Durand:
There is a very general and very deep-rooted misconception that the Quran preaches intolerance, and that Muhammad preached his faith with the sword in one hand and the Quran in the other. Misrepresentation could go no further. The basic principle of Islam, a faith in all the prophets of the world, is enough to give the lie to this allegation. The great and liberal mind that preached not only love and respect for the founders of the great religions of the world but much more than that, faith in them, could not shrink to the narrowness of intolerance for those very religions. Tolerance is not, in fact, the word that can sufficiently indicate the breadth of the attitude of Islam towards other religions. It preaches equal love for all, equal respect for all, and equal faith in all.

No Compulsion in Religion:
Again, intolerance could not be ascribed to a book which altogether excludes compulsion from the sphere of religion.
“There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256),

It lays down in the clearest words. In fact, the Holy Quran is full of statements showing that belief in this or that religion is a person’s own concern, and that he is given the choice of adopting one way or another: that, if he accepts truth, it is for his own good, and that, if he sticks to error, it is to his own detriment. I give below a few of these quotations:

“We have truly shown him the way; he may be thankful or unthankful” (76:3).

“The Truth is from your Lord; so let him who please believe and let him who please disbelieve” (18:29).

“Clear proofs have indeed come to you from your Lord: so whoever sees, it is for his own good; and whoever is blind, it is to his own harm” (6:104).

“If you do good, you do good for your own souls. And if you do evil, it is for them” (17:7).

Why fighting was allowed:

The Muslims were allowed to fight indeed, but what was the object? Not to compel the unbelievers to accept Islam, for it was against all the broad principles in which they had hitherto been brought up. No, it was to establish religious freedom, to stop all religious persecution, to protect the houses of worship of all religions, mosques among them. Here are a few quotations:

“And if Allah did not repel some people by others, cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered, would have been pulled down” (22:40).

“And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is only for Allah” (2:193).

“And fight them until there is no more persecution, and all religions for Allah” (8:39).

Under what conditions was the permission to fight given to the Muslims? Every student of Islamic history knows that the Holy Prophet and his companions were subjected to the severest persecution, as Islam began to gain ground at Makkah; over a hundred of them fled to Abyssinia, but persecution grew still more relentless. Ultimately, the Muslims had to take refuge in Madinah, but they were not left alone even there, and the sword was taken up by the enemy to annihilate Islam and the Muslims. The Quran bears express testimony to this:

“Permission (to fight) is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And Allah is able to assist them — those who are driven from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah” (22:39, 40).

Later, the express condition was laid down:

“And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors” (2:190).

The Quran, therefore, allowed fighting only to save a persecuted community from powerful oppressors, and hence the condition was laid down that fighting was to be stopped as soon as persecution ceased:

“But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution” (2:192, 193).

If the enemy offered peace, peace was to be accepted, though the enemy’s intention might be only to deceive the Muslims:

“And if they incline to peace, incline thou also to it, and trust in Allah. Surely He is the Hearer, the Knower. And if they intend to deceive thee, then surely Allah is sufficient for thee” (8:61, 62).

The Holy Prophet made treaties of peace with his enemies; one such treaty brought about the famous truce of Hudaibiyah, the terms of which were not only disadvantageous, but also humiliating to the Muslims. According to the terms of this treaty “if an unbeliever, being converted to Islam, went over to the Muslims, he was to be returned, but if a Muslim went over to the unbelievers, he was not to be given back to the Muslims”. This clause of the treaty cuts at the root of all allegations of the use of force by the Holy Prophet. It also shows the strong conviction of the Holy Prophet that neither would Muslims go back to unbelief, nor would the new converts to Islam be deterred from embracing Islam because the Prophet gave them no shelter. And these expectations proved true, for while not a single Muslim deserted Islam, a large number came over to Islam, and, being refused shelter at Madinah, formed a colony of their own in neutral territory.

It is a mistake to suppose that the conditions related above were abrogated at any time. The condition to fight “against those who fight against you” remained in force to the last. The last expedition led by the Holy Prophet was the famous Tabuk expedition, and every historian of Islam knows that, though the Prophet had marched a very long distance to Tabuk at the head of an army of thirty thousand, yet, when he found that the enemy did not fulfil the condition laid down above, he returned, and did not allow his troops to attack the enemy territory. Nor is there a single direction in the latest revelation on this subject, in ch. 9, The Immunity, that goes against this condition. The opening verse of that chapter speaks expressly of “idolaters with whom you made an agreement”, and then, v. 4, excepts from its purview “those of the idolaters with whom you made an agreement, then they have not failed you in anything and have not backed up anyone against you”, thus showing clearly that the “immunity” related only to such idolatrous tribes as had first made agreements with the Muslims and then, violating them, killed and persecuted the Muslims wherever they found them, as v. 10 says expressly:

“They respect neither ties of relationship nor covenant in the case of a believer”.

Such people are also spoken of in an earlier revelation:

“Those with whom thou makest an agreement, then they break their agreement every time, and they keep not their duty” (8:56).

Further on, in ch. 9, the condition of the enemy attacking the Muslims first is plainly repeated:

“Will you not fight a people who broke their oaths and aimed at the expulsion of the Messenger, and they attacked you first?” (9:13).

So from first to last, the Holy Quran allowed fighting only against those who fought the Muslims first; it allowed expressly only fighting in defence without which the Muslims could not live and it clearly forbade aggressive war. The waging of war on unbelievers to compel them to accept Islam is a myth pure and simple, a thing unknown to the Holy Quran. It was the enemy that waged war on the Muslims to turn them away from their religion, as the Holy Book so clearly asserts:

“And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can” (2:217).

No punishment for apostasy

Another widely prevailing misconception may also be noted here. It is generally thought that the Quran provides a death sentence for those who desert the religion of Islam. Anyone who takes the trouble to read the Quran will see that there is not the least ground for such a supposition. The Quran speaks repeatedly of people going back to unbelief after believing, but never once does it say that they should be killed or punished. I give here a few quotations:

“And whoever of you turns back from his religion, then he dies while an unbeliever — these it is whose works go for nothing in this world and the Hereafter” (2:217).

“O you who believe, should anyone of you turn back from his religion, then Allah will bring a people whom He loves and who love Him” (5:54).

“Those who disbelieve after their believing, then increase in disbelief, their repentance is not accepted, and these are they that go astray” (3:90).

On the other hand, the Quran speaks of a plan of the Jews to adopt Islam first and then desert it, thus creating the impression that Islam was not a religion worth having (3:72). Such a scheme could never have entered their heads while living at Madinah, where the Government was Muslim, if apostasy, according to the Quranic law, were punishable with death. The misconception seems to have arisen from the fact that people who, after becoming apostates, joined the enemy, were treated as enemies, or that, where an apostate took the life of a Muslim, he was put to death, not for changing his religion, but for committing murder.

finish with Islamophobia:

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil:


I think we Muslims should stop feeling collectively guilty and apologizing about practices that have got nothing to do with Islam. Like what happened after the burning of a Jordanian pilot by ISIS.

In Islam it is absolutely forbidden for humans to burn any living creature. Our local sheikh used to mention that to punish with burning is only up to Allah; we can't even pour boiling water on ants in our home; a practice that I saw people doing in my home country Holland..  

حرق جثة الميت حرام في الإسلام فما بالك بروح وجسد الحي
(the burning of a death body like during cremation, is haram (forbidden in Islam); let alone the burning of a living soul
Whats terrorism??
Can anyone tell me whats the difference between Da'esh (ISIS) who burned to death the Jordanian pilot Kasasbah and the Zionist occupation colonists who burned to death the 15 years old Palestinian Mohamad Abu Khdair last year and / or the Zionist occupation forces who bombed (burned) last summer Palestinian residential areas in Gaza and killed 2200 citizens including 530 children in 51 days!!, 4 February 2015.
The first pic taken in Gaza last summer, the second two pics of the Jordanian pilot febr. 2015


 ***Myth: (kill all the infidels)***    via Suzanne Holmes
This Myth has been used to explain the murder of innocent non-Muslims.
This is not supported anywhere in Quran.
In fact contrary to the claim, Islam opposes the murder of innocent, whether they are Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu or Atheist...
Usually critics use this verse to explain how Islam supports the murder of infidels:
Noble Verses 9:28-29 "O ye believe! Truly the pagans are unclear; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, For Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the last day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, from among the people of the book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Let us look at Noble Verse 9:5 "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
What are the above verses talking about?
The above verses are talking about those idolaters who broke the treaty with Muslims. If you read the whole chapter, you would see what this means in context. 

Now read the same chapter, from start:
9:4 (Asad) But excepted shall be [4] -from among those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God - [people] with whom you [O believers] have made a covenant and who thereafter have in no wise failed to fulfil their obligations towards you, and neither have aided anyone against you: observe, then, your covenant with them until the end of the term agreed with them. [5] Verily, God loves those who are conscious of Him. -
This is from the same chapter, setting the context. The above verse is clear, that the later verses are talking about those non-Muslims who have broken their treaties with Muslims and those who are openly supporting others to attack Muslims. 

The command to kill infidels in verse 9:28-29 has conditions, the condition is war. Wars also has conditions, the condition of war is when treaties are broken, or you are attacked, and removed from your land, or if they are supporting others to attack you.
If you read the chapter 9 from verse 1 on, the context will be develop on its own.
Here are some Verses which completely opposes the murder of non-Muslims:
"On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our apostles with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. (The Noble Quran, 5:32)"
This verse is talking about Muslims and non-Muslims.
"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"
This verse is talking about non-Muslims. It is evident that non-Muslims are not the enemy, non-Muslims have good and bad amongst them. Just like Muslims, who have good and bad amongst them.
To say that Islam calls for the murder of infidels is absurd, as evidence suggests.

  ***Myth  (take over the world through forceful conversions)***
This is a Myth, Islam does not allow forceful conversion. This should be easily proven false by one verse.
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (The Noble Quran, 2:256)"
You can't force the world to convert to Islam, the only option Islam gives to Muslims is through education. 

***Myth  (death sentence to apostates)***
They claim that Islam supports the death sentence of apostates.
This is false, because Quran teaches us to leave those who believe then disbelief. No where in Quran does it say to kill apostates.
What do they use to support their myth? They use the actions of certain Muslims. What do those Muslims use to support their actions? They use what their forefathers did in the past. It has nothing to do with Quran.
Noble Verse 3:90 "But those who reject faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of faith never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray."
It is evident, in the above verse which talks about apostates, but nowhere does it say to kill them, the faith of apostates are in the hands of GOD, not in the hands of men.
Noble Verses 15:2-3 "Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them)."
As I said previous, that the faith of apostates are in the hands of GOD, not men. The above verse states that we should leave those who disbelieve alone, let them "enjoy the good things of this life".
It is evident that death sentence to apostasy is not supported by Islam and Quran. 

***Myth  (extra tax on non-Muslims)***
This is a myth which claims that Islam orders its followers to impose extra tax on non-Muslims.
This is False.
Yes Islam orders its followers to impose different tax on non-Muslims, but that doesn't mean extra tax.
Muslims who are the citizens of Islam pay their TAX according to their faith, but non-Muslims who live amongst Muslims do not have to pay those taxes, therefore they must pay a different TAX, hence Jizya.
If Muslims pay tax, but non-Muslims don't, then it would be unfair.
To make it easier to understand I will relate this to US.
US citizens pay TAXES, if non-US citizens (who live in US) don't pay TAXES and still get protection under US military, and gain the advantages of US infrastructure, and US as a whole, that wouldn't be fair at all to American citizens.
In the above sense, Jizya is not an extra TAX imposed on non-Muslims. It is rather a different TAX imposed on non Islamic citizens.  

From Anonymous: 

The western media wonderfully paints Islam as a death cult bent on world domination. Over and over again the American populace is shown footage of the atrocities committed by fanatics or of Arab men burning American flags. The problem, of course, is that this isn’t remotely representative of the Islamic population of the world. Are there Muslims who employ terrorism? Of course. Are there Christians who employ terrorism? Of course. There are even Buddhists who employ terrorism.

“All [or most] Muslims are terrorists.”
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. The much-discussed ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) organization, which has been described as the “richest terrorist group in the world” can only field between 7,000 and 15,000 troops in its battle to create a fundamentalist homeland. Even taking the highest estimate of their troop strength means that fewer than 1 out of every 106,000 Muslims from all over the world are actually willing to take up arms and fight for the fundamentalist dream. The Iraqi army, however, can field 250,000 soldiers to fight against that fundamentalist vision. That figure does not include irregular forces allied to the Iraqi army. The premise that all Muslims are terrorists falls flat by a mere study of the numbers. It isn’t a majority of Muslims. It isn’t even 1% of Muslims. :  

Islam; the religion of peace: 

US Terrorism:  

By Ashleigh Shaw:


 Many texts are attacked out of context; for example: Koran 2:191 text: "And kill them wherever you come upon them"

explanation: This is meant for that particulair time; when Muslims were at war with unbelievers; who were attacking them and expelling them from their houses.
 Most conveniently attackers of Islam don't complete this verse which goes on with: and expel them from where they expelled you".
 The complete verse shows clearly that the unbelievers here started the war and expelled the Muslims from their homes.

The question should not be:  “Why do mainstream Muslims fail to speak out against terrorism? but: “Why does the media fail to report on Muslims who condemn terrorism?”

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