Friday, November 6, 2015

FAKE Islamic or anti-Islamic websites to AVOID / Fake Qurans

written by and credit to:  Cal Amyotte

Whenever I debate people on Islam or religion, they inevitably find a treasure trove of propaganda on Islam that come from FAKE websites and anti-Islamic websites such as these.

What must be contemplated here is that these are Christians and Zionists who have taken the time and effort to portray Islam in a completely erroneous and worse, blasphemous way.

Websites which are misleading the Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam by quoting out of context and providing/offering FAKE Quran, Ahadith, Verses, Surah’s, and other materials on Islam.This notes has spaces in the address so they are not linkable, you would have to enter it without the spaces; not that I would want to link you to lies and distortions to begin with ;)

Amazon offering fake quran:
w w w . amazon . com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1579211755/qid%3D951106799/104-6683795-8142007

w w w . islam-exposed . org/
w w w . answering-islam . org/
w w w . convertstoislam . org/
w w w . thequran . com/
inthenameofallah . org/
w w w . thereligionofpeace . com/
w w w . islam-watch . com/
w w w . wikiislam . com/wiki/Main_Page/
w w w . answering-islam . org/
w w w . radiojihad . org/
w w w . allaboutmuhammad . com/
islam-documents . org/
w w w . muhammadanism . com/
w w w . freemuslims . org/
w w w . islamundressed . com/
w w w . investigateislam . com/
w w w . ministrytomuslims . com/
w w w . muslimjourneytohope . com/
w w w . islamexplained . com/’
w w w . alislam . org/
w w w . the-good-way . com/
islam-watch . org
w w w . ruhanielaj . com

Anti Islamic Sites
w w w . wikiislam. net
w w w . studytoanswer .net/islam_myths.html
w w w . faithfreedom . org/
w w w . light-of-life . com/
w w w . thereligionofpeace . com/
w w w . apostatesofislam . com/
w w w . stopsharialaw . com/
w w w . muslimhope . com/
w w w . islameyat . com/
w w w . islamreview . com/
w w w . answeringinfidels . com/
w w w . exmuslim . com/
w w w . muhammadtube . com/
thespiritofislam . com/
debate . org . uk/
w w w . answeringmuslims . com/
bibleandquran . org/
jcsm . org/biblelessons/thekoran . htm/
muhammadorjesus . googlepages . com/
w w w . joelstrumpet . com/
w w w . rim . org/
morethandreams . org/
w w w . letusreason . org/Islamdir . htm
w w w . kafirnation . com/
w w w . jihadwatch . org/
w w w . anti-cair-net . org/
apostatesofislam . com/
challenging-islam . org/
w w w . inthenameofallah . org/
w w w . saintsalive . com/resourcelibrary/islam

tomohalloran . com/

Fake YouTube Channels:

w w w . youtube . com/ gernnanicus24
w w w . youtube . com/ fizebilillah11
w w w . youtube . com/ alghamdis
w w w . youtube . com/ KhomeiniGod
w w w . youtube . com/ aychico87
w w w . youtube . com/ YusufAlrahim2009
w w w . youtube . com/ MadameMEKKA
w w w . youtube . com/MuslimVlogGuy
w w w . youtube . com/AbuAbdullahUK
w w w . youtube . com/troidca
w w w . youtube . com/emreekeesalafee
w w w . youtube . com/salafeeya
w w w . youtube . com/UnknownSalafi
w w w . youtube . com/Rexboay424
w w w . youtube . com/NewsPoliticsNow3

== Fake Quran application ==

For information please.

A new version of the Quran has been released on the Apple APP STORE by the kafir ahmadiyyah/qadiani community.

The name of the app is "The Holy Quran, Arabic text and English translation". "Translated by Maulvi Sher Ali, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community" has been clearly mentioned in the app information in iPhone App Store.


Please make Muslims aware not to buy/download this app!

Boycott this product as the contents of this application are incorrect/misleading & contradict the teachings of the Holy Quran and Hadith.


  1. Many of the sites listed under "Islamic Sites" are openly anti-Islamic in the URL as well as content. The categorization is wrong. Secondly, why is "w w w . ruhanielaj . com" listed here? I browsed all their pages and content and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It offers several prayers and azkaar for our daily routine. What's "unislamic" or "anti-islamic" about that? They even provide information from all four Fiqhs (Hanafi, Shafi'i Maliki and Hanbali).

    1. They have weird practices; check out for example:

      "Read this wazifa 100 times and blow over the salt and use this salt in any curry.Inshallah there will be love in between husband and wife.Before and after this wazifa read 3 times"
      via link:

    2. It's not Sufism, but even if it was, it would still be alright. Sufism is the core of Islam, without it, you can't be a believer, and you can definitely not enter Jannah.

  2. Another anti-Islam website is

  3. May Allah ta'ala Aza Wajaal protect the Believers from this Madness Ameen!
