Wednesday, November 18, 2015


See also:



Over and over again, I have been writing and sharing posts about #chemtrails and #weathermodification and their dangerous side effects for our health and for the climate. Many were skeptical, or not believing it at all. Now however; the undeniable results are there for everybody to see. You must be totally in lala-land to think that all of this would be normal!!  

I am going to concentrate here especially on the results. If you want to know how they do it; I refer to the blog- links down here, about chemtrails:

Enormous floods have been plaguing the Middle East in October and November. They are orchestrated by mankind and are predicted in Islamic eschatology (the studies of the end-times). 



                                          Pic:extreme floods cause havock in Saudi Arabia



Islamic predictions:


Dajjal/Antichrist hadeeth regarding weather control:


*"We said: Allah's apostle (SAWS) how quickly will he walk upon the earth?
"Thereupon he said: Like cloud driven by the wind. He will come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion); they will affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He will then give a command to the sky: there will be rainfall upon the Earth and it will grow crops. Then in the evening, their pasturing animals will come to them with their humps very high, their udders full of milk and their flanks distended. He will then come to another people and invite them. But they will reject him so he will go away from them; they will have a drought and nothing will be left with them in the form of wealth.

*At that time the earth will collapse into sinkholes in various places: one in the east, one in the west, and one in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia.  

Return of Arabia to being full of pastures & Rivers
Prophet Mohammad made a very significant prophecy. He prophesied in a Hadith (transmitted in 2 variations) that the land of the Arabs (Arabian Peninsula) will return to being paradises and rivers. Through our analysis of numerical values of words in this prophecy, we have managed to discover in which this is likely to happen.
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قال : " لا تقوم الساعةُ حتى يكثر المال ويفيض ، حتى يخرج الرجل بزكاة ماله فلا يجد أحداً يقبلها منه ، و حتى تعود أرض العرب مروجاً و أنهاراً " . صحيح مسلم
Based on Abu Huraira, Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: " The Hour (of Resurrection) will not occur..... until the land of the Arabs returns to being pastures and rivers." (Sahih Muslim).

A variation of this Hadith appears in Musnad Ahmad:  
لن تقوم الساعه حتى تعود جزيرة العرب كما كانت جنات وأنهار
The Hour (of Resurrection) will not occur until the Arabian Peninsula returns, as it used to be, paradises and rivers." (Musnad Ahmad)

Explanation of hadeeth;     written at  16 June 2006 (Revisions through 30 July 2010): 

At the time of Prophet Mohammad and until today, Arabia has been a desert.
This indicates that the Arabian Peninsula used to be green pastures many centuries ago, instead of its current condition as a desert. More importantly, this means we should expect a major cosmic event in the upcoming years that will cause such a dramatic change in World climate. 

With the current floods it is not so difficult to imagine that the desserts will become green; and that this prophecy might be soon fulfilled! 

Sahara Desert Greening Due to Climate Change?
James Owen
for National Geographic News
July 31, 2009

Desertification, drought, and despair—that's what global warming has in store for much of Africa. Or so we hear.

Emerging evidence is painting a very different scenario, one in which rising temperatures could benefit millions of Africans in the driest parts of the continent

Scientists are now seeing signals that the Sahara desert and surrounding regions are greening due to increasing rainfall.

If sustained, these rains could revitalize drought-ravaged regions, reclaiming them for farming communities.

This desert-shrinking trend is supported by climate models, which predict a return to conditions that turned the Sahara into a lush savanna some 12,000 years ago.



Let's have a look at some orchestrated climate disasters nowadays;

For Mecca; see this blog:   


Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: 

videos of terrible floods in Jeddah;  17 Nov 2015:


Extreme floods making huge waterfalls on a road:


Camels trying to survive in Tabuk:



Sinkholes appearing everywhere; 




خسف ارضى يبتلع السيارات بجده اليوم مما يؤكد ان ما يحدث نتيجه الكيمتريل وسلاح النبضه الكهرومغناطيسيه التى ترفع درجات طبقه الأرض التكتونيه وتؤدى الى الخسوفات



Some pics from ALEXANDRIA, EGYPT:

In some places in Palestine it has been raining: ICE-EYES!!:

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